
How Much To Charge for Your Music

If you have already a member of PLUGOLA and uploaded your music or videos, you have noticed that we have allowed musicians to set their own prices for their music. We feel this feature will give musicians the option to market their music the way they see fit. We're not going to tell you how much you should be charging for your work; however, there are several factors you should figure in before settling on a price per download.

Most people are comfortable with, and accustomed to, the $.99 per track price. iTunes set the stage for this pricing, but there is nothing written in stone stating you must charge this price for your music. If you're cool with that price, that's fine; but you now have the freedom to charge more or less, according to what you and your fans' needs and demands may be.

Some things you should take into account (in no particular order):
  • Are you distributing a high-quality recording? (we suggest at least 256kb bit rate)
  • Does your work posses good production values? (pro or amateur)
  • Is there currently a demand for your music?
  • How much are your peers charging?
  • What do your fans expect?
  • Does it satisfy your own commitment and investment?
Also, please consider our cost structure when setting your own prices (You must charge a minimum of $.40 (forty cents) per track/video). %18 of sale is charged by Admin in order to cover our transaction fees and operating costs.

We are currently working on solutions to bring these annoying fees down, for it will benefit all of us. One of our goals as a community and a company is to keep costs our down in order to keep prices down for our members. But for now, please consider these circumstances and costs when setting your own prices. It may seem like your dealing with only pennies, but volume is the key.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just came across your site. very cool!

perhaps you can link to my music blog at http://indie-music-news.com/

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